Patient Rights Responsibilities


Patients' Rights:

• Respect and Dignity: Patients have the right to be treated with respect, dignity, and courtesy at all times.

• Privacy and Confidentiality: Patients' personal and medical information will be kept confidential, and their privacy will be respected.

• Informed Consent: Patients have the right to receive clear and understandable information about their diagnosis, treatment options, and potential risks and benefits. They have the right to give or withhold informed consent for medical procedures.

• Quality Care: Patients are entitled to receive high-quality care and treatment based on their medical needs, regardless of their background or condition.

• Refusal of Treatment: Patients have the right to refuse treatment, and they will be informed of the potential consequences of their decision.

• Access to Medical Records: Patients have the right to access their medical records and request copies as per legal regulations.

• Complain and Voice Concerns: Patients may voice concerns or complaints regarding their care, and the hospital will respond promptly and impartially.

Patients' Responsibilities:

• Provide Accurate Information: Patients are responsible for providing accurate and complete information about their medical history, symptoms, and other relevant details.

• Follow Treatment Plans: Patients are responsible for following prescribed treatment plans and medications as advised by their healthcare providers.

• Respect Others: Patients should respect the rights and dignity of healthcare providers, staff, and other patients.

• Comply with Hospital Policies: Patients are responsible for following the hospital's policies and rules, including those related to safety and conduct.

• Financial Responsibility: Patients are responsible for understanding and fulfilling their financial obligations related to their care.

• Communication: Patients should actively communicate their concerns, questions, and preferences with their healthcare team.

• Follow Guidelines: Patients are encouraged to follow infection control and safety guidelines for their well-being and that of others.