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Dr. Mohamed Fouad

Rating : 5/4.7


Scope of Services:

• Management of Acute Tonsillitis and URTI

• Diagnosis and Treatment of recurrent otitis media

• Diagnosis and Management of Tinnitus and Vertigo

• Tympanometry

• Microscopic Examination of the Ear & Microscopic suction of the Ear

• Diagnosis and Management of Nasal allergy

• Endoscopic Examination of Nose and Sinuses

• Microscopic removal of FB from the ear

• Endoscopic removal of FB from the nose

• Endoscopic biopsy from the nose and PNS


MBBCH kasr Alainy Cairo University
MSc kasr Alainy Cairo University

• Member of Pan Arab Rhinology Society (PARS)
• Member of Egyptian Rhinology Society (ERS)

Scope of Services:

• Management of Acute Tonsillitis and URTI

• Diagnosis and Treatment of recurrent otitis media

• Diagnosis and Management of Tinnitus and Vertigo

• Tympanometry

• Microscopic Examination of the Ear & Microscopic suction of the Ear

• Diagnosis and Management of Nasal allergy

• Endoscopic Examination of Nose and Sinuses

• Microscopic removal of FB from the ear

• Endoscopic removal of FB from the nose

• Endoscopic biopsy from the nose and PNS


MBBCH kasr Alainy Cairo University
MSc kasr Alainy Cairo University

• Member of Pan Arab Rhinology Society (PARS)
• Member of Egyptian Rhinology Society (ERS)
