Doctor Details

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Dr. Hanaa M. BADRAN

Rating : 5/4.7

  • MRCPI Ireland 2013
  • MSC OB/GYN Ain Shams 1999
  • MBBCH Cairo 1992
  • Formar Senior specialist OB/GYN at IMC Jeddah Saudi Arabia
  • Member of Saudi Society of OBGYN since 1999
  • Special interest in maternal and fetal medicine MFM
  • Member of ISUOG active member
  • Integrated Follow up of all types of pregnancies and antenatal care since early trimester
  • Follow the recent guidelines in management of all types of pregnancies with special interest in high Risk pregnancies with medical diseases
  • Special Care in multiple pregnancies
  • Detailed ultrasound Examination for anaomaly detection and growth follow up of babies
  • Performance all Types of normal instrumental as well as cesarean section even with higher multiple
  • Prenatal repair and cyst rectocele Repair
  • TVT insertion
  • Laparoscopic and hysteroscopy operations
  • Endometrial biopsy as well as office hysteroscopy
  • Pap smear sampling
  • Guidance about fertility tips
  • All GYN surgeries including hysterectomy, myomectomy, abdominal and vaginal
  • Postmenopausal and Adolescence gynecology care

  • MRCPI Ireland 2013
  • MSC OB/GYN Ain Shams 1999
  • MBBCH Cairo 1992
  • Formar Senior specialist OB/GYN at IMC Jeddah Saudi Arabia
  • Member of Saudi Society of OBGYN since 1999
  • Special interest in maternal and fetal medicine MFM
  • Member of ISUOG active member
  • Integrated Follow up of all types of pregnancies and antenatal care since early trimester
  • Follow the recent guidelines in management of all types of pregnancies with special interest in high Risk pregnancies with medical diseases
  • Special Care in multiple pregnancies
  • Detailed ultrasound Examination for anaomaly detection and growth follow up of babies
  • Performance all Types of normal instrumental as well as cesarean section even with higher multiple
  • Prenatal repair and cyst rectocele Repair
  • TVT insertion
  • Laparoscopic and hysteroscopy operations
  • Endometrial biopsy as well as office hysteroscopy
  • Pap smear sampling
  • Guidance about fertility tips
  • All GYN surgeries including hysterectomy, myomectomy, abdominal and vaginal
  • Postmenopausal and Adolescence gynecology care
