Rheumatology & Physical Medicine Center


The Department of Rheumatology and Physical Medicine provides the Diagnosis and Management of Arthritis, Rheumatic Autoimmune Diseases, Spinal and Back Pain, Musculoskeletal Diseases, Knee Osteoarthritis, Neck Disorders and Sport Injuries.

A full range of Physical Treatment Modalities is available to assist in Rehabilitation following Injuries, Musculoskeletal and Neurological Diseases.

Through High Standard Procedures and the Advanced Technologies of Hydrotherapy, Electrotherapy in Addition to a well Equipped Gymnasium,both Inpatient and Outpatient are Enabled to Achieve their Maximum Potential within the Shortest Possible Time.



  • Management of Joint, Spine and Muscle disorders
  • Treatment of Chronic Low Back and Neck Pain by MedX Technology
  • Non-surgical Treatment of Slipped Disc by DRX9000
  • Management of Osteoarthritis
  • Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Management of Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases
  • Management of Osteoporosis
  • Management of Gout / Fibromyalgia
  • Management of Postural Deviations
  • Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy
  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Treatment
  • Electrotherapy / Hydrotherapy
  • Laser Therapy
  • Medical Acupuncture
  • Pediatric Rehabilitation
  • Post-Partum and Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation
