ENT & Audiology Center


The ENT & Audiology Center at New Mowasat Hospital in Kuwait offers comprehensive care for ear, nose, and throat (ENT) and audiology needs.

Our highly skilled Consultants, Specialists and Audiologists are dedicated to providing the best care, offering services such as hearing tests, hearing aids, and advanced treatments for conditions like tinnitus, vertigo, sinusitis, nasal congestion, ear infections, and throat infections.

Using the latest technology, our team develops personalized treatment plans to improve the quality of life for each unique patient.

If you are experiencing any ENT or audiology issues, contact us for an appointment with our experienced specialists, and let us provide you with the exceptional care you deserve.



Diagnosis, Management and Treatment of:


  • Inflammatory diseases as Otitis Media, External Otitis and Secretory Otitis media with effusion behind Ear Drum.
  • Tinnitus and Dizziness Ear Surgery:
  • Hearing Disorders
  • Tympanometry, Audiometry and Audio Lab
  • Ear surgery: as Myringotomy and ventilation tubes, Tympanoplasty,Mastoid Exploration and Otoplasty,
  • Drainage of Ear Hematoma and Abscess
  • Removal of Foreign Bodies


  • Treating of Acute and Chronic Rhino-Sinusitis,
  • Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis
  • Ablation of Hypertrophy of Nasal Turbinates by Radio-Frequency.
  • Correction of Septal Deviation.
  • Diagnosis and Treatment of other nasal problems as nasal obstruction caused by Polyps
  • Diagnostic Nasal Endoscopy
  • Snoring Management


  • Treatment of Acute and Chronic Throat Disorders
  • Throat Surgeries as Removal of Adenoid, Tonsils, Tongue Tie, Foreign Bodies.
    • Voice and Swallowing Difficulties
    • Laryngoscope and Laryngo-Microsurgery for Removal of Polyps, Nodules and Masses from the vocal cords and larynx.
    • Throat Abscess Drainage
    • Foreign body removal as fish bone and other foreign bodies.


  • Audiological assessment & auditory rehabilitation of hearing disorders for adults &children.
  • Early detection of neonatal hearing impairments.
  • Clinical assessment & management of Balance disorders by the most advanced technology
  • Tinnitus assessment & management
