Holding company

Holding company

Mowasat Holding Company K.S.C.C (share capital KD 9,680,000) was incorporated for the purpose of providing comprehensive private health services within Kuwait.

Mowasat Holding Company K.S.C.C owns New Mowasat Company K.S.C.C and Mowasat Real Estate Company K.S.C.C. 100% in addition to operating New Mowasat Hospital.

The Mowasat Holding Company K.S.C.C has prepared a strategic plan through which it will be able to reach a high ranking level by expanding its operations in the regional market. Armed with a 45 years record of experience in the Kuwaiti private healthcare market, the Mowasat Holding Company K.S.C.C has already begun its exciting expansion plans.

The Mowasat Holding Company K.S.C.C plan aims at acquiring shares in existing companies or developing strategic partnerships with new investors or ultimately, establishing new firms in certain potential markets. The companys strategy is based on providing a comprehensive concept of healthcare services that not only depends on establishing hospitals and medical centers, but also extends to training, educating, and manufacturing pharmaceuticals and medical supplies.

As a result, the Mowasat Holding Company K.S.C.C has established a specialized company for medical services by which it aims to provide all means of Management, Control, Development, and Investment in all current and potential markets.

Mowasat Holding Company K.S.C.C expansion plans are considering a number of new markets in the region however, all expansion plans are being developed for new markets on the basis of: Differences from current markets and the sophistication level of the existing medical services in these markets. Currently, the Mowasat Holding Company K.S.C.C is monitoring a number of potential healthcare markets in: Egypt , Syria , Sudan , and multiple North African countries.